Thursday 24 March 2016

click here sample video

click here sample videos


simple html6 program

<body bgcolor="aqua">
<dt>-onion roast</dt>
<dt>-egg roast</dt>

simple html5 progarm

<body bgcolor="orange">
<dt>-mashroom </dt>
<dd>-tham biryane</dd>
<dd>-vada cari</dd>
<dd>-raykola biryane</dd>
<dd>-tomatto pulav</dd>
<dd>-spicy fride rice</dd>
<dd>-chicken fry</dd>
<dd>-chicken roast masala</dd>
<dd>-muttan curry</dd>
<dd>-fish biryane</dd>
<dd>-egg biryane</dd>
<dd>-green chicken fry</dd>

simple html4 program

<body bgcolor ="hotpink">

simple html3 program

<body bgcolor="darkgoldenrod">
<strong><center>YOGESHWARI RESTURANT</center>

simple html2 program

<ins>i am studying bca</small>

simple html1 program

<sub>i am studying bca</small>

simple html program

<i>vidhya nikethan matric hr.sec school</i><br>

Basic of html program

<html>     All html programs are starts with html tags
<title>my first program</title> this tag shows title of the site
<body> from thistag ur site's body is starting.Here you can add images and video
<h1>Courses</h1></br> to shows the text font
</body> Every html tags must be closed
</html>Here ur program ends